Welcome to the OER repository website!
At regular
intervals we would like to inform you on this site about news
and events concerning the ZOERR.
February 2024
The ZOERR team is once again offering a series of workshops on OER. We cover a broad spectrum on the topics of using and creation of OER. All dates and details can be found here.There will also be a special series of workshops in February and March on "OER production with AI". All event dates together with explanations can be found in this flyer. We expressly welcome you downloading and distributing the flyer.
We look forward to receiving numerous interested parties.
July 2024
In the winter semester 2024/25 again we offer a variety of workshops about Open Educational Resources. The program with details can be viewed on this web page.March 2024
As an additional offer for OER authors at Colleges and Universities in Baden-Württemberg, we can now provide you with targeted support in the production of OER materials. Further information can be found on this page.In the summer term, we are offering two free online training courses ("H5P and OER" and "Students go OER") as well as an extensive workshop program in cooperation with bwWeiterbildung on the topic of Open Science with a focus on OER. For the complete program see this PDF (in German).
February 2024
Call for proposals: Digital teaching and learning materials
We support larger OER publication projects and provide up to € 50,000 for each selected project. The prize money is intended to enable the realization of the project, and ZOERR also guarantees support with organizational and technical issues during the project. Finally, all materials will be published as OER on the ZOERR.We accept submissions by e-mail until July 31, 2024. Applications will be reviewed by ZOERR in summer 2024 and funding will be awarded from fall 2024. Further information can be found in the detailed call for proposals (in German).
We are offering five workshops on the topic of "Open Science (Focus OER)" at bwWeiterbildung in the summer term 2024. Look here for program, dates, and registration.
The training courses offered by bwWeiterbildung are primarily aimed at employees of academic libraries in the state of Baden-Württemberg - also and especially at senior and intermediate service levels. Participation by other interested parties is possible and welcome, subject to availability. Please note that the courses are held in German (however "Let's talk" will take into account the wishes of the participants).
January 2024
Following a period of consolidation, the ZOERR team is once again complete and is stepping up its activities in the field of OER publication and, in particular, OER production. Our new team members are:Verena Russlies – she is a humanities scholar, project manager and responsible for all aspects of ZOERR's co-operation with organisations at state and federal level, furthermore for reporting and project continuity. She is going to organise larger OER productions (module components).
Nadja Schanz – she is a media computer scientist and will support the conception and production of OER, especially in the technical and design areas.
Alexander Klein – he is a media didactician and instructional designer. As regional ZOERR manager, he is responsible for OER community management in Baden-Württemberg and for regional networking. He establishes contacts and partnerships, provides assistance with the conception and production of OER, online and increasingly present on site too.
Feel free to get in touch with us.
In spring/summer 2024, we will once again be offering various workshops and further training courses. More information will follow shortly.
Former news
year 2022/23
August 2023
There has been a request for a training course to provide more detailed information on how to use the ZOERR. We are pleased to offer a workshop in which we explain most of the features of ZOERR in detail. We apply the learned lesson in practical exercises immediately. Arising questions can then be answered instantaneously. The course is held online via zoom on12th of October 10:00 a.m. – 11:45 a.m.
Please note the course will be held in German!
For further information you can download this flyer (in German), feel free to share and distribute it. Please register via our contacts.
July 2023
Follwing the good attendance in the past year we would like to offer again a training course on the use and production of Open Educational Resources (OER) in the context of higher education. It is aimed at lecturers who like to work with OER in their teaching. The course consists of 2 related dates:- On 28th of September from 10:00 to 11:45 a.m. characteristics and added value of OER will be illustrated. In the second part questions about licensing and copyright law as well as Creative Commons licences will be addressed.
- On 5th of October from 10:00 to 11:45 a.m. the functionality of the ZOERR will be presented. Finally we give practical hints for the production of OER preferably using the examples of learning materials supplied by the participants.
A new version of the software for the ZOERR repository is online! Beside some adjustments in the design there are some substantial new features:
- If you are logged in, you can upvote other OER. On the tiles of the search hits appears now a thumbs-up icon showing next to it the number of likes. Each person can only vote once for a material by clicking on the thumbs-up icon. A further click on the same material reverses your vote.
- The extended search is now automatically triggered with every input, i.e. the search button is omitted. In addition, the search for authors has been improved by suggesting the real available author names (in the given search context) when typing. You just need to choose one out of the list.
- OER can be related to each other. There are the relations is based on, is part of and references. These relationships are indicated in the preview, so that you can easily navigate to related materials of the current OER within the ZOERR. Additionally there is the possibility to note arbitrary references like other literature or related URLs in the metadata of the OER. This new feature will be mainly used in the future but the editorial team is going to add individual relations on already published OER. Suggestions are welcome, please use our contacts!
The website and the ZOERR repository is now available bilingual in German and English! On the pages of the website you can switch the language in the upper right corner. Please note that it is not possible to switch languages within the repository!
January 2023
In cooperation with the University of Konstanz more than 200 videos on experiments in physics could be published in ZOERR which can thus reach a wider audience. The videos are alltogether combined in the collection "Experimente Physik". See also the message (German only) on the website of the University of Konstanz.🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 Fifth anniversary of ZOERR in November 2022
In November 2017 the ZOERR repository went online (www.zoerr.de or www.oerbw.de). Since then around 1100 OER by teachers in higher education have been published.The Central Repository for Open Educational Resources of higher education in Baden-Württemberg/Germany is supported by the Ministry for Science, Research and Art Baden-Württemberg and is permanently operated by the University of Tübingen. The Universities of Freiburg, Stuttgart and Ulm have made and continue to make significant contributions to the development of ZOERR, while Reutlingen University is involved in ZOERR on behalf of the Universities of applied sciences.
In ZOERR members of all state colleges can publish their teaching and learning materials under an open license (mostly Creative Commons, creativecommons.org) as Open Educational Resources (OER). An editorial process assures a certain level of quality. Published OER are citable and accessible worldwide and free of charge via WWW. In this way ZOERR offers teachers in Baden-Württemberg the opportunity to be visible beyond their own colleges and fosters synergies in the creation of teaching materials.
We kindly request to respect our terms of use.